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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Case 1b - Frank Barone, evaluation included Troponin T & I, doctor tests ordered included cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography revealed triple vessel disease with 100% occlusion of LAD branch of L main coronary artery, 2 hrs of substernal chest pain onset following dinner led to evaluation, 2 hrs of substernal chest pain onset following dinner differential diagnosis heartburn, Frank Barone is obese, treatment procedure 2 forego percutaneous thrmbolytic coronary angioplasty (PTCA) -WHY???, heartburn took antacid resolved pain - indigestion conclusion, PT in CICU seeing pt MD diagnosis: MI, CAD s/p CABG x2, enzyme test CK-MB = 2.0 included Troponin T & I, 2 hrs of substernal chest pain onset following dinner differential diagnosis unstable angina, enzyme test CK-MB = 2.0 included ECG, evaluation led to doctor tests ordered, doctor tests ordered included coronary angiography, Frank Barone past med hx hypertension, 2 hrs of substernal chest pain onset following dinner differential diagnosis MI, intervention includes seeing pt MD diagnosis: MI, CAD s/p CABG x2, Frank Barone past med hx hyperlipidemia, Frank Barone presented with 2 hrs of substernal chest pain onset following dinner, ECG revealed acute changes consistent w. MI